Coaching Questionnaire

Selected Value: 1
Rate your average daily activity level from 1-5 with 1 being very sedentary, no current physical activity, sitting most of the day, with 5 being very active, regular, vigorous phsysical activity, physically demanding job and/or regular sports
Selected Value: 0
0 being completely stress free, 10 being chronically and uncontrollably stressed
Include exercises, weekly frequency, total volume (set and rep ranges), etc. Feel free to link specific program examples)
Note: For nutrition/meal plans, Aethix only works with individuals willing to follow a plant based diet.
Feel free to make an educated guess. If unknown, leave blank.
Protein, fat and carb intake. Feel free to make an educated guess. If unknown, leave blank.
Calorie counting and tracking is the most effective way to reach your body composition goals.