In today’s episode, I’m joined by vegan powerlifter Eddie Baumgartner. Eddie has been competing in powerlifting for years now and has hit a 555 lb wrapped squat, 308 lb bench and 533 lb deadlift in competition. He’s also recently made the switch to equipped powerlifting which queued a discussion about the differences between raw and equipped powerlifting and how raw powerlifting in particular has become so much more popular over the years. We also talk about Eddie’s reasons for going vegan years ago, an average day of eating for him, how alcohol affects training performance, our thoughts on lab grown meat and tons more. It’s clear that Eddie is very passionate about powerlifting and veganism and it really shows in the conversation we had here. I hope you all enjoy the episode as much as I enjoyed our chat!
You can find Eddie at @eddie.baumgartner on Instagram and at his Twitch at TheAgentBaum.
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00:00 – Intro to Aethix Approach Episode
0:45 – Episode overview
1:35 – Episode start
3:00 – Who is Eddie Baumgartner?
3:45 – Eddie’s history with going vegetarian/vegan
6:15 – Purposes for being vegan?
8:45 – Athletic history and vegetarianism/veganism
15:00 – Equipped powerlifting was more popular than raw lifting before
16:30 – How long has Eddie been training equipped and what does his programming look like?
19:00 – Why did Eddie want to switch to equipped powerlifting?
22:00 – Johnnie Candito and internet resources for lifting information
26:30 – Approaches towards advocating veganism
28:30 – Differences between equipped and raw powerlifting
36:30 – Caffeine consumption and lifting – how much is TOO much?
39:00 – Alcohol, physical performance and body composition, hormones
48:00 – Situations where alcohol may actually improve physical performance
51:00 – Disc golf
54:00 – Lab grown meat
56:45 – Animal testing
1:02:15 – Hunting vs buying meat from grocery store, morality as a spectrum
1:05:30 – Eddie tells everyone to try equipped powerlifting, how to get into it
1:09:00 – Where can people find you on social media?
1:10:00 – Episode outro