In this episode, I have the pleasure of being joined by my good friend and vegan coach/powerlifter, Billy Duffy. Billy and I met a couple years ago here in New York City and quickly became friends – wish usually seems to be the case when you have two extremely niche overlapping traits including being vegan, which already narrows down about 98.5% of the global population, and being obsessed with the science of resistance training. We actually competed in our first full power powerlifting meet about a year ago now along with our other two strong vegan friends, Julien DesRoches and Brennen Motz, and that was an absolute blast. But I digress…
Billy absolutely loves powerlifting and trains hard as hell and he also loves sharing the knowledge of effective strength training. In this episode, we discuss all about Billy’s training history, what led him to powerlifting, when and why he went vegan, training for strength and hypertrophy for powerlifting, the moral aspects of veganism, plant based nutrition for serious gainz (with a “z”, of course), his experience with starting and running a small, vegan protein company with his wife, Emma, and much more. I’ve witnessed first hand just how passionate Billy is about his work as a personal trainer, and I think this episode really embodies that same passion with how he shares his knowledge on the subject.
You can find Billy on instagram at @soy.boy.billy. Thanks so much again to Billy for making the time to come on for this episode, and without further adu, on with the show!